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6 Jul 2020

New Tax Deadline on July 15

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit businesses hard. To help them stay afloat, the federal government and the IRS pushed the tax filing and payment deadline to July 15, 2020.

There’s Still Time!

For many businesses, tax season is a last-minute dash to the finish—even with the new, later deadline. By this stage, many CPAs do not have the bandwidth to take on new clients and help them file their taxes in time to hit the deadline. At Better Accounting, our expert CPAs and bookkeepers are still available to help you prepare your finances and file your taxes. Our expert tax accountants can get started on helping your business with this year’s tax filings right away.

No Job Too Big

Even if you have multiple years of taxes left to sort through and file, we can help with that! We will help you sort through the IRS’ process for backdated returns, apply for penalty abatement if it’s applicable, and even gather the records you need for each of the years you need to file. Our tax experts will even help you monitor return processing and other compliance processes long after the tax deadline has passed. With Better Accounting, you can make this year the year your business gets caught up on tax filings and starts looking to the future.

Business Owners, Fear Not

We specialize in all tax filings, whether federal or state, business or individual. As small business owners ourselves, we understand that tax season is stressful. It doesn’t matter if your business’ finances are inextricably tied to your personal finances or you just need a little extra help on the personal side. Our tax experts are ready to help you with every tax form you may need to file. Our professional tax accountants also stay up-to-date on tax credits and incentives. If you’re eligible for deductions, credits or breaks, we will make sure to include the proper documentation with your filing.

We Do Tax Prep, Too

If you are not quite ready to file your taxes or you just don’t know where to begin, don’t worry! Our expert accountants also do tax preparation. We will help you get your finances in order before we complete your filing. Our CPAs and bookkeepers will help you organize your records and documentation. We understand that every business is unique, and our tax preparation strategy is tailored specifically to your business. Our tax experts will help you with everything from sorting a shoebox full of receipts to itemizing tax deductions. We use detailed tax preparation checklists to make sure you have everything you need to get started on those filings. The new tax deadline is fast approaching. Get expert tax help from Better Accounting and make 2020 your best year yet. Give us a call today!

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