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11 Dec 2019

What Bookkeeping Services Can Your Company Benefit the Most From?

You need to hire two more employees, have a new product launching and you need to figure out a better shipping method for your customers. While you are dealing with all of this, you need to figure out how much you can pay the new employees, how much the product marketing will cost you and if the new shipping method is in the budget. This seems like a lot for a small business owner to take on all at once. This is when outsourcing your bookkeeping may make the most sense for keeping your company moving forward. For a company like yours, a virtual bookkeeping service like Better Accounting can make it simple and best of all cost-effective. These services aren’t based on location and hire dependable and trustworthy bookkeepers. They also have experience. Finding a bookkeeper who has been doing it for years can save you a lot of hassle in the long run. They have seen it all, so if something comes up, they can handle it without it disrupting your business operations. Here are a few bookkeeping services that your small business can benefit from.  

Day-to-Day Transactions

When your company is making sales, stocking inventory, and fulfilling needs for your customers, the last thing you want to have to deal with is keeping track of the financials at the same time. This is where a qualified bookkeeper comes in. They can not only tell you how much you are making each month, but where your money is going and where you need to focus your attention to keep things running smoothly.  

Producing Monthly Financial Statements

Your bookkeeper will import bank statements, categorize transactions and prepare financial statements every month. All of this equals more time for you, as well as data overviews that help you run your business more efficiently. This big picture approach gives you insight as to what actions to take to grow your business.  

All the Small Things

This is where a bookkeeper shines. While maintaining your financial records, they also pay the bills, create and send customer invoices, collect past due accounts, reconcile bank and credit card accounts, maintain vendors of account payables and support outside CFO/controllers. There is no denying that this is a lot of work for a small business owner to handle on their own. It’s a full job all in itself. When running your business, anything that you can delegate to a trusted, professional bookkeeper will free you up to do what you start a business for in the first place. If you are looking for booking services, talk to Better Accounting and see how we can help you.

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