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14 Jul 2020

Why Your Company Needs Tax Services Year Round

We get it. Tax season is stressful. Did you know it could be a little less stressful with year-round tax services? Your tax accountant can help you manage your business all year—which might take some of the pressure off when tax season comes around.

Tax Preparation

Filing your taxes can be a full-time job. Your tax accountant can not only help you complete your actual filing, they can also help you sort through your records. This way, they can easily hunt down deductions and credits you might be eligible for before you file.

Audit Preparation

It does not matter if you’re keeping your records meticulously organized and color-coded or if you’re keeping your records in a shoebox in the backroom—audits happen. When they do, your tax accountant can help you get ready for them. Using audit checklists and years of experience, they can help you compile the right records, clean up your ledgers and get everything ready for the big day.

Get Caught Up

Many business owners have several years of backdated tax filings they need to catch up on. Between tax seasons is the perfect time to have your tax accountant help you get caught up. They can help you sort through months’ or years’ worth of records, file the right forms, and even apply for late filing fee exceptions through the IRS. Make next year the year you have caught up with your filings.


A tax accountant can also help you manage your recurring payroll. They will ensure your business is compliant with tax regulations and manage your income tax with holdings. Many accounting firms also offer discounts on accounting software that will help you with recurring tasks like reconciliation and payroll. Better Accounting also has expert bookkeepers available to complete the payroll process—think of us as your one-stop shop for taxes and bookkeeping. A tax accountant can make running your business easier all year-round, not just went tax season rolls in. Ask your accountant what else they can do for you.

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